Greek Leadership Honor Society


  • To recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment;
  • To bring together outstanding fraternity men and women to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate fraternity affairs.
  • To bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding and helpfulness;
  • To help create an atmosphere where ideas and issues can be discussed openly across Greek lines and to help work out solutions.

Current Officers

  • President: Daria Bisharah-Kappa Alpha Theta
  • Vice President: Bailey Higa-Kappa Alpha Theta & Courtney Sousa-Delta Gamma
  • Treasurer: Kloey Helms- Kappa Alpha Theta 
  • Secretary: Kloey Helms- Kappa Alpha Theta